Cheltenham Journal 2012

This page has been created to narrate the experience of the project C1 in Cheltenham, UK, August - September 2012 of a group of students and teachers from Liceo A. Labriola, Naples, under the FSE.

A happy landing and two missing numbers - August 25th 2012

Tests and scores - August 27th 2012

CHELTENHAM, August - September, 2012
by Erica P., V E 2012 - 2013

InLingua Cheltenham's view from the garden

My schoolmates and I are living for one month in Cheltenham, an English town on the edge of the historical region of the Cotswolds, to attend a four-week English course. Cheltenham isn't a very big city, but I think it's very nice and full of pretty places to walk, meet friends and sightsee.
In particular, I like the many parks, green areas in the centre of the city, beautiful places where you can listen music or read a book.
Arianna and I are hosted by a family living in the countryside, but urban transport is well organized, so taking the bus to go to the InLingua school in the city centre isn't a problem.
One thing has displeased me, though: there isn't a place to meet friends in the evening. I would have liked to go to a pub, but they do not admit you if you are under eighteen! Only three or four of us are over eighteen, so we've been at the pub only once, with our Italian teachers... and drunk a lot of clear, fresh, sweet tap water! (But we had a nice time all the same).
Among the many towns and villages we've been visiting, My favourite is Bristol, a big city with a beautiful cathedral, a nice harbor and lots of shops. In my opinion, Bristol is an urban area quite similar to Naples, besides for its being on the coast, but because it is a crowded town and very alive city.
In short, even though we have had small time to rest and to spend with the host family, I think that living one full month in England has been a wonderful experience for our group, to improve our English, to visit several beautiful and interesting places :)

Gloucester, a medieval cathedral and the port - ...


LONDON, September 1st, 2012
by Chiara D. S., V E 2012 - 2013

London is the most beautiful place I have visited in England! A huge city I have been so happy to see. I would have loved to have more time for shopping and to go to the London Eye. Anyway, I've loved the Big Ben, it is the best thing I have ever seen and took a lot of photos of it. Unfortunately, we couldn't go to Madame Tussaud because it was very expensive. Another place that I have enjoyed very much was M&M's world, where I ate a lot of colourful chocolates and bought a present for my best friend. 
(Photo by Chiara D. S.)              
After a whole month here, I haven't understood how the traffic lights  work yet. When I was in London a taxi was going to kill me... but it didn't, lucky me! Well, not completely its fault, I must admit..., so I hope I can return to England again as soon as possible :)

STONEHENGE, September, 2012
by Arianna I., V E 2012 - 2013

On my arrival in England, at first I was worried about the experience we were going to start. But besides learning English, I have observed a different culture, mentality and different rules to respect and after a while it has proved very useful and interesting experience.
Among the many places we are visiting in the afternoon, the most interesting for me was Stonehenge. There I felt some strange sensations, considering how thousands of years ago there were people able to built such an extraordinary structure without our modern technologies. These ancient stones are simply fantastic, they form a majestic structure where each of them in the past had a specific function - astronomical, religious, funerary - and they are still capable of impressing us.

BICESTER, September, 2012
by Pierpaolo N., V E 2012 - 2013

Besides attending English lessons in the morning, our afternoon schedule provides a number of trips to worldwide famous cities, so one could think I’m going to talk about London or Oxford. Not at all... I’m going to talk of our afternoon in Bicester, a really great one!
Bicester Village is a designer outlet where you can buy Dior, Dolce & Gabbana and many other famous brands at discounted price. This trip was meant as a help to our shopping thirst. But, alas, the prices were not so much discounted as our wallets needed, and almost all the guys considered it nonsense.
But when we are all together we are able to find the way to have fun in any condition and situation!
I can’t deny that Bicester is a very boring place,  but spending all the time sitting on benches wouldn’t have solved any of our problems. Suddenly one of us, Gabriele, had a brilliant idea: collecting the bags from every label shop of Bicester! So the “luxury” bag hunting began and everyone tried to catch more bags than the others and parade along the outlet’s streets, bragging their last crazy purchases!
We took a lot of photos, trying to imitate a fashion show and kidding all those rich people that were getting crazy for shopping and that were looking at us with a mix of surprise and envy!

PS: at the end of this “challenging” afternoon, eating an enormous crêpe with Nutella was a sweet pleasure!

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